Halide Edip

1884 – 1964

Halide Edip was a leader and a storyteller. She has been a public voice for the Turkish War of Independence, yet her words have become universal. Her heart is fragile and strong; her art and her service at war balance each other. She is rigid yet very human.

She has looked after soldiers; she has seen people lost their kids and families; kids, that lost their parents. Death exists, death is nearby, she has an awareness of the whole, and she serves for humanity for the time left for her.


\Halide Edip Adıvar has a vital part in the history and building of the Turkish Republic. My interpretation requires more in-depth work on her to be able to embody her. Thus, my understanding is subjective, and more focused on the historical events that played in my canvas. Her primary focus is fighting for her country to be free. Justice and Freedom. And also being a voice for womanhood, that is reflected in her novels.

Women and war. Grace of war.

Halide Edip Adıvar.

Novels: Râik’s Mother, LevelHandan, Last Work, New Turan, Shirt of Fire, Heartache, Hit the Whore, Zeyno’s Son, Sinekli Bakkal, The Fly Filled Grocery, The Murder of Yolpala, The Sandfly, The Endless Fairground,The Rotating Mirror, The Street of Âkile Hanım, The Comedy of the Love Street, The Remedy Finder, Fragments of Life, The Son of Master Kerim (Halide Edip Adıvar, 2020; Bilkent University, 2020).

Halide Edip was born in a house with purple bunches. She wrote the book of her memoirs ‘Mor Salkımlı Ev‘, meaning the house with purple bunches. She was buried next to her husband Adnan Adıvar. In this canvas, Isabel Fry’s graveyard is next to them, as Isabell opened her house in England to Halide as a friend (Bilkent University, 2020). Their tombstones put together represents the metaphor for unity and friendship among cultures.